Sunday, March 4, 2012


A picture of the granola I made
Lately I've been really developing a liking for yogurt and granola. When I went to whole foods recently I bought a package of their dried banana granola. Now most granola is made up of oats, some type of nuts like almonds or walnuts, dried fruit like raisins or cranberries and with some flavoring like vanilla. Now, the package of granola that I bought is very high in sugar, obviously less sugar compared to a bottle of regular soda. It was still too high for me. So this is what I thought, I went through 4 years of culinary school, I should be able to make my own granola and it will be fabulous. With this enthusiasm, I set about making granola this weekend and it would be much lower in sugar than the packaged version....and I had immense success!
These are the ingredients I decided to use: thick rolled oats, raisins, almonds, sunflower seeds, flax seeds, honey and cinnamon. It was just simply delicious and it's a great snack too. A good thing to have at home. Its got all heart healthy ingredients and good fats coming from seeds and nuts. Oats are high in fiber and can keep you full longer. Get this, my granola just has 5 grams of sugar and 50 calories per serving compared to the 115 calories and 8 grams of sugar of the packaged version.

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