Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Day 2

Today I did manage to wake up early to make breakfast, but I do need to find some other solution. I love sleeping and I don't see myself waking up early everyday to make breakfast for myself. I will probably end up eating pistachios again, but skipping breakfast is not an option. In fact, recent research shows a direct link between skipping breakfast and an increase in BMI. So don't skip your meals!
I wanted to talk about why the Atkins diet might work. Your body cannot store unlimited amounts of glucose, so all that extra glucose is converted into fat and then stored. Your body can store unlimited amounts of fat and also does not store protein. The liver only stores about 1 day's worth of glycogen (the storage form of glucose). If you have starved yourself, or not had any glucose for 24 hours, all the liver's glycogen stores have been depleted. Protein becomes the major source that is broken down for glucose. Contrary to popular belief, fat cannot be broken down to make glucose. The fat or adipose tissue is degraded to make ketone bodies. Ketones are used as the primary fuel source for the body. This is why the Atkins diet does work, because your body breaks the fat down to make energy. But remember, your body is also breaking down a lot of protein (the conversion rate sucks), so keep eating protein too.
I usually like to know the why and how behind things. I don't want to accept something at face value without doing some research behind it.
Ok now back to what I ate today:

Breakfast- very proud of myself, I actually woke up at 5:30am to cook breakfast. Obviously don't see that happening a lot so will need to think of other ways.
I had scrambled eggs with low-fat cheese.

Again, I was at school so I ate a spinach salad with carrots and half of a boiled egg with 2 tsp. of low-fat Italian dressing. So here is a way you can cut carbs when you can't control the food that you are eating. I bought some chicken tortilla soup. This soup comes with tortilla chips, cheese, corn, tomatoes, black beans and chicken. What I did was, I didn't get the tortilla chips and cheese and didn't eat the corn. So you can always adjust your meals to reduce the carb count. Yes corn counts as carbs.


I went out with my friends. So I got a beer. Now beer does have a lot of carbs. I got a blue moon, which has 13.7g of carbs in the entire bottle. I didn't drink the whole thing, I had about 1/4 of the amount, so another way I reduced the amount of carbs too. If you are going to be strict about the diet, you need to be careful and read food labels.
I came back home and had a small salad with lettuce, beans, tomatoes, cheese and ham.

All in all a good day, and I am quite full from all the beans. Beans are high fiber, so that adds to the carbs but I wanted to modify this diet and add some high fiber vegetable sources.

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